SenseHub™ Dairy Milk Monitoring solutions for your farm
Measure where it matters.
Now fully connected to the SenseHub™ Dairy system.
The SenseHub™ Dairy In-Line Somatic Cell Count (SCC) Sensor provides somatic cell counts for individual cows at the milking point within two minutes of cupping – automatically.
SenseHub™ Dairy’s In-Line SCC Sensor works with any existing parlor type – fitting into your milking routine with no additional steps.
Freedom is knowing you’re actively gaining control over your milk quality
- Promptly identify animals with high SCC
- Further investigate a potential udder health issue
- Make better informed dry cow therapy decisions
- Cow health monitoring system improves milk quality and herd well-being
- Cow activity monitoring stores and displays in the SenseHub™ Dairy system
Farm with more freedom through a deeper connection to your animals
Download the SenseHub™ Dairy In-Line Somatic Cell Count flyer to learn how you can start farming with more freedom.
SenseHub™ Dairy Milk Monitoring solutions for your farm
Find freedom through
deeper animal insights
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.